Plantar warts or Plantar Verruca Pedis usually but not always presents itself as a spiny raised papule like legion on the skin. Most commonly located on the bottom of the foot (hence the name “plantar”). It can also have black or dark red spots on the top of them and can become quite painful.
How do you get them?
Plantar warts are the physical presentation of a virus known as Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). This virus can reside dormant in the body for many years without physically being exposed on the skin as plantar wart. In most cases, HPV will show up on the skin when one’s immunity is compromised. An individual’s immunity can be affect by many things, some may include: sickness, age, stress, lack of sleep, lack of nutrition (low iron level for example). They are usually passed on by either direct or indirect contact to another wart. Hence, the spread of plantar warts typically occur in shared/communal areas where people walk barefoot. This may be at gyms, public pools, communal showers and/or anytime you may be sharing socks/shoes. What can you do about it?
Having a strong immunity by staying healthy and fit with diet exercise and balanced lifestyle can prevent the onset of a wart to some degree. However, for those who already have one, we have a thorough treatment protocol in place. Some of the treatment options include: